So recently we had my mama over for Sunday dinner. We wanted to do something a little special, but not a huge, all-day-long production, since the weather is warming up a little...didn't want to heat the whole house up cooking all day. We went to Costco to check out our options, and we picked up a nice rack of lamb! YUM!

Here is what we did:
we got 2 racks from Costco. each was about 1.5lbs.
2 tablespoons dijon mustard
1/4 cup white wine
1 sprig fresh rosemary chopped
2 slices old bread or 1/2 cup bread crumbs
salt & pepper to taste

First season your meat on all sides with salt, pepper and chopped rosemary.

We were at the end of our mustard, so we used the wine to clean out the jar. (Yes that's a box of's great for cooking, and some of them are actually decent for drinking.)

Place the racks in a big bowl & pour your mixture over all your meat so it is well coated.

Let your meat hang out in your wine / mustard mixture for as long or as little as you wish. Then coat thoroughly with bread crumbs.

Lay out your racks on a baking sheet and bake at 450 for 1 hour.

We served ours with roasted potato / celery root au gratin and an arugula salad with beets, tangerines, candied walnuts and goat cheese. Recipe here. Make sure you have a good bottle of wine for this meal. We had a Zinfandel, and it was great!